
  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. cheezburga

    Addon skript-worldedit 1.1.2

    skript-worldedit is here! This new Skript addon brings WorldEdit and FAWE support to Skript, offering numerous effects and expressions for efficient world manipulation. A shockingly small amount of testing was done, so there may be some bugs lying around. Please report any issues, or new feature...
  2. cheezburga

    Script Cookie Clicker 5.0

    Adds a feature-packed Cookie Clicker script to your server! Features: Scoreboard (displays cookies and CPS) Lets you restart if you're just too good (prestiging coming soon!) An upgrades shop with the same buildings as the original Cookie Clicker Backs up to the server so you never lose your...
  3. cheezburga

    Script Better Text Displays 2.0

    Adds a command (/textdisplay) which allows you to create, copy or remove text displays in your world. SkBee was the addon used for the text displays. The command supports mini messages as the text, so make the most of that. This script requires Skript (obviously) and SkBee. It was coded using...