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  1. K

    World border per world

    MY SKRIPT: format gui slot 0 of player with shiny barrier named "&b&lUpgrade Border Size" to run: execute console command "worldborder add 25" in world "sb%{tl.%player%}%" My skript above doesn't work so if someone could tell me how to set a world border in a certain world using skript that...
  2. WrexBG

    Vanilla GUI Border+ Functions

    These are functions you may find useful when working with GUI's. It's just an easy way to add border, border with preset pattern, and fill or clear the inventory. Some things to know beforehand: - These are functions - Required addons: none - Tested on Minecraft 1.15.2 and Skript 2.4.1 - There...
  3. jonawoning

    Skript - Worldborder

    Hey there! So I am trying to figure out if there is a way I can run a worldborder command per world from console. Currently, if you run /worldborder ... it will run it in the default world. ie: world. So, is there a possible way I can run a console command for a specific world? Thanks in...
  4. S

    Solved Create World Skript error

    So, using this code options: P: &8[&bServer&8] command /createworld <integer>: permission: skript.op usage: /createworld <radius> trigger: if arg 1 is a number: execute console command "/mvdelete UHC" broadcast "&a%command sender% &7is deleting...
  5. Vexio

    Vanilla 1.8 Worldborder per world

    Hey there! So I am trying to figure out if there is a way I can run a worldborder command per world from console. Currently, if you run /worldborder ... it will run it in the default world. ie: world. So, is there a possible way I can run a console command for a specific world? Thanks in...