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  1. J

    Solved Autocompressor that works when in offhand

    I tried coding an autocompressor that works in offhand but i get this error: this is the code: on join: if loop-player's offhand tool is hopper minecart named "&6Autocompresser &7[&a1&7]": every 1 ticks: loop all players: if loop-player has 32 oak log...
  2. 5jgk

    "name" is not a location?

    So in my skript it is like buggin or smth cos it my skript is on break of stone: if player's inventory contains 1 cobblestone of mending called "&7Ston&8e Autocom&0pressors": if player's inventory contains 32 cobblestone: remove 32 cobblestone from player's inventory give player...