Solved Autocompressor that works when in offhand

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Jul 31, 2024
I tried coding an autocompressor that works in offhand but i get this error:

this is the code:

on join:
  if loop-player's offhand tool is hopper minecart named "&6Autocompresser &7[&a1&7]":
    every 1 ticks:
       loop all players:
          if loop-player has 32 oak log:
            remove 32 oak log from loop-player's inventory
            give loop-player shiny oak button named "<##796E6E>&lᴄ<##766C6C>&lᴏ<##736A6A>&lᴍ<##706767>&lᴘ <##6B6363>&lᴡ<##686161>&lᴏ<##655E5E>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ"
Skript ver: 2.8.0
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Wait, where did you get loop-player's offhand tool when you didnt loop anyone in the first place..
every 1 ticks:
  if player's offhand tool is a hopper minecart:
    if name of player's offhand tool is "&6Autocompresser &7[&a1&7]":
      if player has 32 oak wood named "<##796E6E>&lᴡ<##716868>&lᴏ<##6A6262>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ":
        remove 32 oak wood from player's inventory
        give player oak button of mending named "<##796E6E>&lᴄ<##766C6C>&lᴏ<##736A6A>&lᴍ<##706767>&lᴘ <##6B6363>&lᴡ<##686161>&lᴏ<##655E5E>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ" with all item flags
This skript is extremely laggy, why would you do every 1 tick, if there's some players on the server, it's a guaranteed crash and why would you specify it to have all item flags, if you just leave it alone it will have every item flag, this skript is also probably broken since it's a loop event and you use player instead of loop-player, this would be so much less laggy:

on break:
    if player's offhand is hopper minecart named "&6Autocompresser &7[&a1&7]":
        if player has 32 oak wood named "<##796E6E>&lᴡ<##716868>&lᴏ<##6A6262>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ":
            remove 32 oak wood from player's inventory
            give player oak button of mending named "<##796E6E>&lᴄ<##766C6C>&lᴏ<##736A6A>&lᴍ<##706767>&lᴘ <##6B6363>&lᴡ<##686161>&lᴏ<##655E5E>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ"

# If you don't want the mending to show up:
on break:
    if player's offhand is hopper minecart named "&6Autocompresser &7[&a1&7]":
        if player has 32 oak wood named "<##796E6E>&lᴡ<##716868>&lᴏ<##6A6262>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ":
            remove 32 oak wood named "<##796E6E>&lᴡ<##716868>&lᴏ<##6A6262>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ" from player's inventory
            give player shiny oak button named "<##796E6E>&lᴄ<##766C6C>&lᴏ<##736A6A>&lᴍ<##706767>&lᴘ <##6B6363>&lᴡ<##686161>&lᴏ<##655E5E>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ"

I would also recommend using functions since they are way cleaner and cause less lagg.
This skript is extremely laggy, why would you do every 1 tick, if there's some players on the server, it's a guaranteed crash and why would you specify it to have all item flags, if you just leave it alone it will have every item flag, this skript is also probably broken since it's a loop event and you use player instead of loop-player, this would be so much less laggy:

on break:
    if player's offhand is hopper minecart named "&6Autocompresser &7[&a1&7]":
        if player has 32 oak wood named "<##796E6E>&lᴡ<##716868>&lᴏ<##6A6262>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ":
            remove 32 oak wood from player's inventory
            give player oak button of mending named "<##796E6E>&lᴄ<##766C6C>&lᴏ<##736A6A>&lᴍ<##706767>&lᴘ <##6B6363>&lᴡ<##686161>&lᴏ<##655E5E>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ"

# If you don't want the mending to show up:
on break:
    if player's offhand is hopper minecart named "&6Autocompresser &7[&a1&7]":
        if player has 32 oak wood named "<##796E6E>&lᴡ<##716868>&lᴏ<##6A6262>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ":
            remove 32 oak wood named "<##796E6E>&lᴡ<##716868>&lᴏ<##6A6262>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ" from player's inventory
            give player shiny oak button named "<##796E6E>&lᴄ<##766C6C>&lᴏ<##736A6A>&lᴍ<##706767>&lᴘ <##6B6363>&lᴡ<##686161>&lᴏ<##655E5E>&lᴏ<##625C5C>&lᴅ"

I would also recommend using functions since they are way cleaner and cause less lagg.
I also attached a skript with the enchant on player's item not showing up, if that's why you wrote with all item flags which should be with all flags hidden instead, but it's better with just adding shiny.