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  1. VeryGoodSand

    Solved SkBee attribute modifiers

    apply attribute modifier to {_tool}: attribute: movement_speed id: "minecraft:movement_speed" slot: mainhand_slot_group amount: {_lvl} operation: add_number This returns the error "'movement_speed' is not a attribute type," however, it is an attribute type? I don't know how...
  2. PotatoSlayer56

    Attributes on items

    I was just wondering why this doesn't throw an error but it doesn't work when executed set {_attackBonus} to line 3 of lore of {_forgegem} set line 1 of lore of {_forgesword} to "&cAttack: %{_attackBonus}%" set {_intAttackBonus} to {_attackBonus} parsed as number set {_forgesword}'s attack...
  3. F

    Changing a mob attribute

    Wassup good sirs and ma'ams. I need to change the attribute "followRange" of a mob when it spawns. I have no idea on how to get this to work. I've tried myself but now I'm here. Open to any suggestions, thanks! :)
  4. ScienceTeamKevin

    Set Attribute Data on mob drop and hide

    Hello! Im not really new to skript, but still need help on this. How do you attribute data to an item, and then hide that attribute? This is so i can put the armor value in the lore. for example, #im using the minehut tutorial on this. If you have a better solution, have at it On death: if...
  5. MarijnPlays

    Knockback Resistance

    Hey, i wanted to know if there is a way to get the generic.knockbackresistance on armor like vanilla minecraft but with a skript command.