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  1. T

    Skript 1.9 help

    Hi, I need help because I dont find a good version of skript, skquery and umbaska for 1.9 and I need them I tried a lot of versions of skript and skquery and umbaska but I dont find the good ones for 1.9 to work all fine
  2. R

    Set dmg to values over 5k

    Hey guys, so updated my server to 1.12 and found out, that "damage victim by {_dmg}" (ofc in on damage event) will set the attacker to "<none>" when the entity is killed. In 1.8 and 1.9 it was OK. If i use "make attacker damage victim by {_dmg}" then the script will infinitely repeat itself ->...
  3. noftaly

    Script ★ GiveAll ★ [1.8 - 1.12] [GUI] [100% customizable] Beta 4.3

    I’m french, so sorry for the errors. If in the configuration or in the description there is errors, please let me know (via PM) and I will correct them. Betas 3.1 and before works perfectly on 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x (thanks to @gamingshow and @Mikioul for the test) Betas 3.2 and...
  4. C

    Particles 1.9 - 1.11 ????

    Any way to spawn 1.9 - 1.11 particles ? "1.8 spawn 10 of particle cloud:0 offset by 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 at player for players with data 0" just send me errors. Thanks.
  5. Sharpjaws

    Addon SharpSK [1.8 - 1.12+] 1.6.3

    Requires Java 8. Java 7 is no longer supported Docs/Syntaxes: You can still find all the syntaxes here: https://skunity.com/doc?addon=SharpSK About: SharpSK is an addon that is packed with support for a lot of different plugins that you will be able to interact with in skript. It also...