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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. DerpoDrago

    Skript used to work but doesn't now

    So I asked down here for help with a skript, anitd someone helped (surprise surprise). It worked until today when it didn't. There are no errors, i'm on v 2.4, like I was when it worked. on right click with ender pearl: set {a} to player's held item if {a}'s name is "&a&lZ &r&aTime...
  2. DerpoDrago

    Assigning a number to an amount of players

    So I've been trying to make a skript where it gets half of the players online and rounds down if its not an integer, but I can't figure out the part where I assign a number to every player and randomly pick half of them out. Any help would be appreciated. I'm on version 2.4 if that helps. on...
  3. DerpoDrago

    Finding a player's current position in a skript

    I'm on version 2.4 I've been trying to set a variable to a player's current position to teleport them back later, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that. Any help would be appreciated on right click with ender pearl: set {a} to player's held item if {a}'s name is "&a&lZ...
  4. DerpoDrago

    Trouble executing minecraft commands through execute console command

    Skript version: 2.5 Author: Bensku 1.15.1 Code: on right click with end rod: set {item} to player's held item if {item}'s name is "&9Dragon&d+&5+&e+ &9Wand": execute console command "execute at %player% run summon area_effect_cloud ~ ~ ~...