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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. T

    SEND PACKET Open animation for chest

    I want to make the server send chest opening animation to the client when a function is called. My version is 1.14.4, I have skript-mirror and i know in Bukkit you can do this with PacketPlayOutBlockAction (which is ProtocolLib i guess). I tried so many different ways of doing it, but it did...
  2. T

    Solved [PROBLEM] Skript & ViaVersion ERROR

    I found problem! Its Tuske.
  3. T

    Solved [PROBLEM] Skript & ViaVersion ERROR

    Skript version: 2.5-beta2, ViaVersion version: any lastest
  4. T

    Solved [PROBLEM] Skript & ViaVersion ERROR

    Skript is not work with ViaVersion. My server's Spigot version is 1.13.1 I need stable version of skript for my server. And some another ways if you have. NOW IT'S VERY IMPORTANT!
  5. T

    [HELP] Edit furnace recipe/...

    I need to edit old furnace recipe with result glowstone dust named "&Sulfur" using gold ore. But method create new furnace recipe with result glowstone dust named "&fSulfur" using gold ore dont work. Results of gold ore is old - gold ingot(((
  6. T

    Create worldguard region.

    MY script: on place of gold block: loop blocksInCube(event-location): if loop-block is yellow terracotta: cancel event message "&cСлишком близко к другой базе!" to player set {_cancel.rg.create} to true if {_cancel.rg.create} is not set...
  7. T

    [HELP] Loop blocks in cube radius

    yes! its work: function blocksInCube(p: player) :: blocks: set {_loc1} to location of {_p} set {_loc2} to location of {_p} remove 3 from x coord of {_loc1} remove 3 from y coord of {_loc1} remove 3 from z coord of {_loc1} add 3 to x coord of {_loc2} add 3 to y coord...
  8. T

    [HELP] Loop blocks in cube radius

    soory? dont understand...
  9. T

    [HELP] Loop blocks in cube radius

    its place block at player loc. I dont know where problem
  10. T

    [HELP] Loop blocks in cube radius

    not give error, but its not work.
  11. T

    [HELP] Loop blocks in cube radius

    nothing. I must replace something in this code? because I am only copy and past now.
  12. T

    [HELP] Loop blocks in cube radius

    I want to loop blocks in radius 16 blocks, like cube, but method: loop blocks in radius 16 around %location% - does not fit me. its loop blocks in sphere radius. Help me please =3
  13. T

    [HELP ME] SkyBlock skript

    I need help with the script: when you write a command, it teleports you to a location (any) and an island appears under you, it is advisable to copy from one location and paste it at the player's position
  14. T

    Solved [HELP ME] SkyBlock script

    I need help with the script: when you write a command, it teleports you to a location (any) and an island appears under you, it is advisable to copy from one location and paste it at the player's position
  15. T

    if mob gets angry

    The script should check if the monster sees the player
  16. T

    Cancel explode

    I need to make sure that the explosion of something does not break the blocks, but at the same time, particles of the explosion, sounds and damage are done
  17. T

    Block health

    I need a script: For example, an iron block has 4 hp, if this block is detonated, it will be taken away from hp 1. If hp = 0 it will destroy These scripts can help: on explode: loop exploded blocks: loop-block is #block# set {_e::%location of loop-value%} to true set...
  18. T

    Solved I found error!

    My script: on break of oak planks: if metadata "health" of clicked block is not set: set metadata "health" of clicked block to 10 else: set {_meta} to metadata "health" of clicked block remove 1 from {_meta} if {_meta} is 0: delete metadata "health" of...
  19. T

    Solved Block health script

    Ok, sorry