SEND PACKET Open animation for chest

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Dec 26, 2019
I want to make the server send chest opening animation to the client when a function is called.

My version is 1.14.4, I have skript-mirror and i know in Bukkit you can do this with PacketPlayOutBlockAction (which is ProtocolLib i guess). I tried so many different ways of doing it, but it did not happened to work.

You should not ask me stuff like "AHH, did you look at" - yes, in fact, i did.

If you know any other way of sending chest animation packet i would appreciate that anyway.
I want to make the server send chest opening animation to the client when a function is called.

My version is 1.14.4, I have skript-mirror and i know in Bukkit you can do this with PacketPlayOutBlockAction (which is ProtocolLib i guess). I tried so many different ways of doing it, but it did not happened to work.

You should not ask me stuff like "AHH, did you look at" - yes, in fact, i did.

If you know any other way of sending chest animation packet i would appreciate that anyway.
Why are you doing this in Skript of all things. Just use Java. Wouldn’t you rather have 1 plugin instead of 4 + your skript.