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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. cheezburga

    Script Better Text Displays - v2.0 - properties and clean up

    Added 3 new properties for text displays to use: billboard, background colour, and background alpha. They're pretty self explanatory: Billboard - changes the display billboard Background - changes the colour of the background Alpha - changes the transparency of the background These new...
  2. cheezburga

    Script Better Text Displays

    cheezburga updated Better Text Displays with a new update entry: Properties and clean up Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. cheezburga

    Solved Return a GUI from a function

    You should pass the player object in directly, not their name. So your function should look something like this: function gui(p: player) :: inventory: And then you call it like: command /example: trigger: open gui(player) to player
  4. cheezburga

    Solved Return a GUI from a function

    function gui() :: inventory
  5. cheezburga

    Script Gesture System - v2.3.1 - readded leeway option

    Readded the leeway option. Was removed because a version of this script with leeway was never committed to the repository where I was working from for the previous version.
  6. cheezburga

    Script Gesture System

    cheezburga updated Gesture System with a new update entry: v2.3.1 - readded leeway option Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. cheezburga

    Script Gesture System

    cheezburga updated Gesture System with a new update entry: v2.3 - small fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. cheezburga

    Script Gesture System - v2.3 - small fixes

    Changes - Some changes to variable naming, and changing player to UUID of player (to avoid console warnings). - Changed the error thrown in the custom event which told the user that the gesture wasn't registered to be a warning instead. - Made functions local.
  9. cheezburga

    Script Tebex API

    cheezburga submitted a new resource: Tebex API - Access your server's Tebex data. Read more about this resource...
  10. cheezburga

    Script Tebex API 1.0

    This script allows you to access your server's Tebex data. It was coded using Skript 2.8 and skript-reflect 2.4. It does this by sending HTTP requests to the Tebex RPC endpoint, which should return the requested data. The data is loaded using custom effects. Most of the effects follow the...
  11. cheezburga

    Script Better Text Displays

    cheezburga updated Better Text Displays with a new update entry: v1.5 - small changes Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. cheezburga

    Script Better Text Displays - v1.5 - small changes

    - Stopped SkBee throwing a warning regarding how the text displays are spawned. - Should now parse slightly more quickly.
  13. cheezburga

    Script Better Crafting

    cheezburga submitted a new resource: Better Crafting - Use the crafting table right in your Minecraft world. Read more about this resource...
  14. cheezburga

    Script Better Crafting 1.1

    Adds the ability to use the crafting table in the Minecraft world without needing to open the inventory. This script requires Skript (obviously), SkBee (for the display entities), and skript-reflect (for some behind the scenes recipe stuff). It was coded using versions 2.7.3, 3.0.0, and...
  15. cheezburga

    Script Excavator - Server crashes

    Do not disable the script while excavators are placed and looping! For some reason at the moment, if this script is disabled while there are excavators placed and looping, it seems to just brick any server. No idea why this happens currently (I would've assumed that the while loops are stopped...
  16. cheezburga

    Script Excavator

    cheezburga updated Excavator with a new update entry: Server crashes Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. cheezburga

    Script Excavator - Tiny fixes

    Forgot to change references to the renamed use-fuel option.
  18. cheezburga

    Script Excavator

    cheezburga updated Excavator with a new update entry: Tiny fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. cheezburga

    Script Excavator

    cheezburga updated Excavator with a new update entry: Small fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  20. cheezburga

    Script Excavator - Small fixes

    Small fixes: Changed the name of the use-fuel option to require-fuel, for clarity. Changed how block damage was sent. Players will now see block damage from all excavators. Changed check for valid fuel type in inventory click event for future updates. Changed storageToOpen metadata maintaining...