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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. qKing12


    Hi! So i have a problem, i found alot of ways of creating holograms, editing them, clicking them, moving them, etc but i couldn't find a way to save them on restart (like i create a hologram, i restart the server, the hologram is still there). Does anyone know how to do it? bump
  2. qKing12

    Solved Target Player

    Hello! I want to know how can I make a mob target a certain player. I tried this: command /target [<player>]: trigger: spawn slime at player's location set last spawned slime's target to arg-1 It does not give an error but also it doesn't work.
  3. qKing12

    Flag of Region

    Hey! Sooo I need help with getting the value of a flag of a worldguard region. I tried with the expression of skstuff and sharpsk but they don't work, can someone give me an example with skript-mirror or something? I really need it pleaseee & thanks. (Server 1.12.2 | Skript 2.2-dev37c | skStuff...
  4. qKing12

    Solved Get Player's Version

    Hey! Is there a way to get the current version a player is using? Like taking it from ViaVersion or ProtocolLib or something? (I don't use ProtocolSupport) Thanks!
  5. qKing12

    Placeholder from Offline Player

    Hey! I want to know if there is a way to get a placeholder from a offline player like "set {_s} to placeholder "%%placeholder%%" from offline player". But i don't want to set a variable to the placeholder when player join or quits, i want to get it temporally. Thanks.