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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. iChinchillinq

    skQuery within cuboid

    Skript Version: Skript 2.3.6 Skript Author: Njol, Mirreski, bensku, TheBentoBox, Snow-Pyon, Pikachu920m Nicofisim tim740, Tuke-Nuke, TheLimeGlass, xXAndrew28Xx, Sashie, RoyCurtis, nfell2009, Syst3ms, and Blueyescat Minecraft Version: 1.13 --- Full Code: on place: player's world = "void"...
  2. iChinchillinq

    Help with custom playervault skript

    Hello! I cannot find a way to fix my PlayerVaults skript, when there seems to be nothing wrong with it. I get no errors, and it worked perfectly before I added something on to a variable so that it is able to be used with multiple vaults. If anyone could help, I would appreciate it. Thanks! on...
  3. iChinchillinq

    Element of a list variable

    I'm making a Cards Against Humanity skript atm, and all of the "second, third, fourth, etc" elements aren't working. However, the first element works. if argument 1 is "pick": if argument 2 is not set: send "&5CAH &8» &fPlease pick a...
  4. iChinchillinq

    Solved Checking Alts of A Player

    on first join: add "%player's ip% %player%" to {check::*} add player to {players::*} command /alts [<offline player>]: permission: rank.admin permission message: &cInsufficient Permissions. trigger: if {players::*} does not contain player: add player to...
  5. iChinchillinq

    KOTH Skript Help!

    So I've been testing out a King of The Hill Skript for a little while, and got it down to 2 errors, which I can't fix. Variables: {skoth} = false {kmsg} = false on walk on polished andesite: if {skoth} is true: if player's location is within 3 blocks of {koth}...