I'm making a Cards Against Humanity skript atm, and all of the "second, third, fourth, etc" elements aren't working. However, the first element works.
Errors: http://prntscr.com/k98g8s
if argument 1 is "pick":
if argument 2 is not set:
send "&5CAH &8» &fPlease pick a valid card. (Numbers 1-10)"
if argument 2 is "1" or "2" or "3" or "4" or "5" or "6" or "7" or "8" or "9" or "10":
set {picked.%player%} to argument 2
if argument 2 is "1":
set {card.%player%} to the first element of {cards.%player%::*}
if argument 2 is "2":
set {card.%player%} to the second element of {cards.%player%::*}
if argument 2 is "3":
set {card.%player%} to the third element of {cards.%player%::*}
if argument 2 is "4":
set {card.%player%} to the fourth element of {cards.%player%::*}
if argument 2 is "5":
set {card.%player%} to the fifth element of {cards.%player%::*}
if argument 2 is "6":
set {card.%player%} to the sixth element of {cards.%player%::*}
if argument 2 is "7":
set {card.%player%} to the seventh element of {cards.%player%::*}
if argument 2 is "8":
set {card.%player%} to the eighth element of {cards.%player%::*}
if argument 2 is "9":
set {card.%player%} to the ninth element of {cards.%player%::*}
if argument 2 is "10":
set {card.%player%} to the tenth element of {cards.%player%::*}
send "&5CAH &8» &fPicked card &d%{picked.%player%}%&f.%nl%&f(%{card.%player%}%)"
Errors: http://prntscr.com/k98g8s