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  1. Peivi


    Category: Skript Suggested name: no name included What I want: I want a map loader for minigames. The maps could remove and apply themselves. The problem with it is that how could i set spawn to just a second ago loaded map. Also i want to load maps, because the players could place blocks...
  2. Peivi

    Block remove skript

    tell me what what is command sing.
  3. Peivi

    Packet anticheat

    Yes, i have checked that. I just want to see how to make one of these. I may not even now need a packetanticheat for server. I just want to know the basics of making packetanticheat.
  4. Peivi

    How to remove respawn screen

    on death of a player: heal victim set the victim's gamemode to spectator wait 6 second set the victim's gamemode to survival teleport the victim's to the world's spawn You need to heal the victim! Thanks -Peivi :)
  5. Peivi

    Solved Check what head player is clicking on

    So the problem is in the clicked block event. Docs might help you with that event, ill try to figure out
  6. Peivi

    Solved ScoreBoard Ant Flicker

    Normal scoreboards are sketchy use skelletts scoreboard: example made by me for one of my kitpvp skripts: every 1 second: loop all players: set {_kills} to {kills.%loop-player%} set {_deaths} to {deaths.%loop-player%} set {_points} to {points.%loop-player%} set {_money} to...
  7. Peivi

    Solved Check what head player is clicking on

    Might not help but test; on right click: if event-block is a head: if clicked block is skull of "Wooomfy" parsed as a offline player: message "Computer"
  8. Peivi

    Solved Check what head player is clicking on

    I could make that you have to put manually who's head it is but i can't figure out how to check the player's head without manually putting there the information and then click it
  9. Peivi

    Solved Check what head player is clicking on

    if clicked block is head of Wooomfy parsed as offline player: may work. I Can't test the skript atm
  10. Peivi

    Disable custom amor protection.

    Send us your errors, we will solve them asap Found stupid thing in your skript that you don´t need. Just to tell you out, lul every 5 seconds in world "dangoria": loop all players: loop-player is in world "dangoria": 2times same thing. Thanks!! :)
  11. Peivi


    Did my skript work? Or do you want villager emotes there? Thanks :)
  12. Peivi

    help with create kit in side the game

    Im not a professor of functions, so i can't help with creating them inside game, but you should first make a function that saves player inventory and converts the result to a new function. Help with the saving inventory: (btw...
  13. Peivi

    Solved Stop players from dropping items and taket out of inventory

    I found an already solved thread about saving/lookking to the player´s inventory and you should use the on drop event with the cannot take them out of inventory stuff Thread:
  14. Peivi

    MundoSK, Array Tablist Icon

    Found a thread about mundoSk tablist and found all the tablist stuff that you can use: Btw you should have protocolLib installed on your server (Thanks to @Snow-Pyon for posting it to another thread all credit goes to him) Tablist stuff: %player%'s [mundo[sk]] tab[list] name [mundo[sk]]...
  15. Peivi

    need help with a skript

    I don´t know is this the problem, but if it is here you go: At this line you have player is holding event. Its the problem i think. I had in one of my big skripts this problem destroying everything. Problem is here: on rightclick: if player is holding 64 sunflower named...
  16. Peivi

    Solved Do not let players open chests

    Donut solved the skript, if it did work please mark this as solved skript Else send errors and we will make an another solution hopefully!! Please make another thread out of it. Thanks :)
  17. Peivi

    Stats to website

    Link to tutorial of websockets: I know you maybe found them already out, but hope it helps someone
  18. Peivi

    MundoSK, Array Tablist Icon

    Please send console and chat errors of this skript. Thanks
  19. Peivi

    Solved Get the attacker of a tnt

    Please put this as solved skript :-P Rhanks -Peivi
  20. Peivi


    If you want that you cant even go to the right or left that it just goes forward you might need to use ToolAPI's make player look to east or make the player ride a invisible saddled pig and when the push stops kill the pig i think you need skript like this. This might not work, because i can´t...