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Jan 28, 2018
Category: Skript

Suggested name: no name included

What I want:
I want a map loader for minigames. The maps could remove and apply themselves. The problem with it is that how could i set spawn to just a second ago loaded map. Also i want to load maps, because the players could place blocks there.

The maps should be maps that i made for duels. Not just randomly-generated maps. Thanks!!

Ideas for commands: no commands

Ideas for permissions: no permissions

When I'd like it by: asap. in a couple days would be nice.
hope this helps enough if you set the spawn settings and like gamerule settings of orginalWorld it will be copyed to world and you can create multiple worlds and make a randommizer that can copy to 1 world.

command /generatemap:
        broadcast "&cStarting..."
        save "OriginalWorld"
        broadcast "&cUnloading..."
        mv unload world "World"
        broadcast "&cUnloaded!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&cDeleteing..."
        delete dir "World"
        broadcast "&cDeleted!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&cGenerating..."
        mv clone world "OriginalWorld" to "World"
        broadcast "&cGenerated!"
        wait 1 second
        broadcast "&cLoading..."
        mv load world "World"
        broadcast "&cLoaded!"