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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. JTNCrafter

    Item Names

    Hello, I was wondering how I can do this: if player has 1 raw mutton: This seems simple, like I know how it works, but certain names do not work. Like this: Works: if player has 1 light green stained glass pane: Does not work: if player has 1 lime stained glass pane: The thing is that the...
  2. JTNCrafter

    Randomizing Chests

    I want to make a skript in which I can randomize chests. So it can be filled with loot. I just need something like filling a placed block, like setting the block location as {_l}. I just need an example, and where I can find how to do this in the Documentation.
  3. JTNCrafter

    Guided Arrows

    Hello! I am troubled in how to make Guided Arrows. I would like it to look something like this: on rightclick on diamond shovel: player has an arrow remove the arrow from player shoot an arrow as speed 2 I have NO IDEA how I can do this. I want to make it so that it can follow a...
  4. JTNCrafter

    Solved Help with looping blocks!

    I have looked through the documentary and others, but I need help. So I want to make it so that if a block is in a specific chunk, it would cancel the event! Kind of like this! on break: player is in "{@world}" loop broken block <<< if {ffac::%chunk at loop-block%} is set...
  5. JTNCrafter

    Solved Need Help With Chunks

    So, I am trying to make factions! So I wonder if I can do this: Claim a chunk... Find if a player breaks/places any block in a chunk. If the player breaks a block. Loop the broken block. If the loop block is in the chunk. Cancel the event. Thank you!