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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. N

    Sell shop

    Sorry for that, didn't see there was an request format thanks ;) - Nicolai Hello. Thanks! I will try the code now, sorry for late reply, have been on vacation ;) - Nicolai
  2. N

    Sell shop

    Hello everyone! So i got this new server going around, and it's a prison server, and want so only the player who has permission to open a chest called a name. Can use it to sell forbidden items, and that is where you come in the picture, i want some help to start a sell skript, so when a player...
  3. N

    A little help

    Hello i recently made an ban skript without, any plugin help like essentials ban. But i will like to when a player tries to connect and he is banned it says like this "expires in: 1 day, 2 minutes" and not like in the picture code (it's on danish):
  4. N

    Problem with new umbaska3

    Hello, my recent post was about my skript was'nt working i fixed it by upgrading my umbaska 2 to umbasak 3. But now in my shop skript it can't understand the expression " if "%name of clicked item%" is "name"" someone who can help me?` code (it's on danish): -...
  5. N

    Problem with my skript

    Hello, i have a problem.. it always happens when i make skripts with out chest and set slot.. it say every time i reload the skript "an internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command" my simpel code (it's on danish): Thanks :)
  6. N

    Mute skript

    Hello, I have some trouble with this, every time i muted a player he can still talk in chat... #------- Code --------# command /mute [<offline player>] [<number>]: permission: mute.* permission message: &cYou do not have permission for that! executable by: players and console...