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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. M

    Spawn Skript

    @OrangeCanadian You forgot to indent at line 26. There's an if statement there but you didn't indent so it sees the if statement as if it were empty.
  2. M

    Addon skript-db

    @Snow-Pyon I'm confused by your reply... %player% always gives the username of the player. I'm already in the DB with data so it should broadcast correctly.
  3. M

    Addon skript-db

    execute "SELECT * FROM test WHERE username = '%player%'" in {sql} and store the result in {output2::*} broadcast "%{output::gold}%" # Should broadcast 25 instead broadcasts <none> Can anyone help? It only broadcasts <none>.
  4. M

    Script Server Update Display - Version 1.1

    Version 1.1 :D The first version after release! This version includes the following. Configuration Changes + TOGGLE_PERMISSION_REQUIRED • The permission node for /updates toggle + TOGGLED_UPDATES • The text displayed when toggling viewing updates is successfully changed Permission...
  5. M

    Script Server Update Display

    @BaeFall Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you liked how I organized the post as well as the script itself :)
  6. M

    Script Server Update Display

    mccrafter1212 submitted a new resource: Server Update Display - Display updates you make to your server to your players! Read more about this resource...
  7. M

    Script Server Update Display 1.1

    Server Update Display Display updates you make to your server to your players! Upon a player joining they'll be given a title and subtitle for each new update. This plugin was coded with large servers in mind coming with a Developer API, very flexible configuration, and memory saving...
  8. M

    Way to cut/sub a string? This should be simple...

    Let's assume I have this code: set {specialString} to "This is a special string" How can I get the last word in that string and set that to a variable?
  9. M

    Illegal char <<> at index 50: [PRIVATE PATH]

    I'm currently working on map reset code. After a minigame stops (whether a player leaves, someone wins, etc.) this code should run: # Map Reset Code execute console command "mv delete %{}%" execute console command "mvconfirm" create dir "%{}%" set...