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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Pumpkani


  2. Pumpkani

    on death not working

    Do you get an error message when reloading and if so what does it say? Not sure but I think the issue is that instead of "{SoulsT.%attacker's uuid%}" you should replace the . with 2 colons ({SoulsT::%attacker's uuid%})
  3. Pumpkani


    I'm working on making a LootchestPVP server, but got no clue how to start. If anyone could provide help or suggest things that would be amazing. I'd like to have a skript, where if id place a chest in my world named a certain thing, like maybe the "Legendary" chest, it would automatically place...
  4. Pumpkani

    "on tab complete:" no working

    on tab complete for "/pet": set {_completers::*} to "talk" and "action" loop {_completers::*}: add loop-value to complete This doesn't work, and returns " 'Can't understand this condition/effect: add loop-value to complete' Line: add loop-value to complete"