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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. NilremYT

    Solved Help chat

    Hey i tried to make a skript for something like a help chat so if you do /help [message] it gets send to staff online and they can click on it to reply to the person so its easier and faster to get help with simple and easy things i would appreciate if some1 could ride a code for it because i...
  2. NilremYT

    Tablist Ranks after order

    Hey everyone i wanna make it so that in my tablist owner is the top one than other ranks down to the default rank but i just cant make it work (i use luckperms for the permissions) Code: on join: if player is online: set player's tab list header to "&8[&d&lSpy&e&lAnd&b&lNil&8]&7&l...
  3. NilremYT

    Skript to teleport in the point of view of another player

    hey im quite new with the hole coding thing but i wanted to make it so on my server that staff member can teleport to players and that straight up in the point of view of the player like that you instanly spectate them