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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. legendofgow

    Changing plugin sub commands

    I think plugin is not like it :D
  2. legendofgow

    Changing plugin sub commands

    Hello, I don't know if anyone will be willing to help, but I need help writing a simple script :) There is a plugin called Lands, some of you have probably heard of her, 99% of it can be translated into any language you want, but the sub commands of this plugin still remain in English "/lands...
  3. legendofgow

    Referral skript Error

    That was good idea, but now we have new error :D command /polecenia <offline player>: trigger: if arg-1 is player: message "&8[&b&l!&8] &b&lPolecenia &8→ &cNie możesz wpisać samego siebie jako poleconego!" else if player’s group is "referral": execute console command "/lp user...
  4. legendofgow

    Referral skript Error

    New error show up :D But i have question about how addons works, we have a visible error, and how does the script (plugin) know that these condition are from the add-on? when I upload an addon, say PermSK, to the server, then the script will also start checking my code in new condition from...
  5. legendofgow

    Referral skript Error

    Weird :emoji_sweat_smile: on first join: execute console command "/lp user %player% parent add referral" command /polecenia <offline player>: trigger: if arg-1 is player: message "&8[&b&l!&8] &b&lPolecenia &8→ &cNie możesz wpisać samego siebie jako poleconego!" else if player is in...
  6. legendofgow

    Referral skript Error

    Maybe you are not login in?
  7. legendofgow

    Referral skript Error

    Hello, So i have simple skript for referral players And as you can see in parser, there is this error: Can't compare a player with 'in group "referral"' else if player is in group "referral": And skript dont send console commands upon check if player is...
  8. legendofgow

    On region enter player gets permissions

    Your skript dont work, any way to fix?