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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. G

    Solved how to loop block correctly?

    I've been trying to loop blocks around the enchantment table. The problem is that the loop-region is too big and the bookshelves that will be in the floor also count. No matter how much I searched, I can't find a guide on how to correctly specify the region/zone for loop blocks. i need loop...
  2. G

    How to check player at surface

    How to check is player at surface? on consume of apple: if name of event-item is "§cThe apple of Zeus": #if player on surface? how check if a player #is in a mine or if there is a block above his head? strike lightning at the player send "§aYou feel electrified." to player
  3. G

    Optimization of item-replacer script

    Hi! at my server most items replaced to mmoitems analog , and this script replace plain items if they somehow get into the player's inventory. The problem is in the structure of the script itself, at the moment it takes about 800 MS (0.8 sec) to load it I am afraid that in the future this time...
  4. G

    simulate block break

    Hello, how i can stimulate the destruction of the block for the player's tool? The player's tool has a custom durability in lore, and if I change the durability of the tool itself, then the custom durability does not change. therefore, I need a way that will stimulate the player's action -...