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  1. Poinapples

    The code reloads with no errors but it doesnt work properly

    i ficed the original issue its just that i tried something else and it didnt work.
  2. Poinapples

    The code reloads with no errors but it doesnt work properly

    Thank you but i tried to add 1 more dust and its giving me an indentation error. the error says it expected 2 tabs but got 8 spaces on the second dust line. function speed(p:player): set {_yaw} to 0 set {_angle} to 0 while {speedcircle.%{_p}%} is true: add 10 to {_angle}...
  3. Poinapples

    The code reloads with no errors but it doesnt work properly

    This code is supposed to have a particle move in a circle when the boots are put on but it the particle stays in place, but if you take off the boots it moves in a circle again. function speed(p:player): set {particles::rgbcircle::%{_p}%} to true if ({particles::rgbcircle::%{_p}%} ? false)...
  4. Poinapples

    It reloads with no errors but the player head wont show up

    ok thanks but how would i have to change the variable to make it work? like change the type of variable
  5. Poinapples

    The code returns with no errors but the player head won't show up

    I set the uuid to a deathbanned victim so i dont know whats wrong. I changed the item and it showed the item but there were no names and when i clicked one it didnt do what it was supposed to.
  6. Poinapples

    The code returns with no errors but the player head won't show up

    I went through everything again and I cant find whats wrong
  7. Poinapples

    The code returns with no errors but the player head won't show up

    The player head still hasnt shown up for me
  8. Poinapples

    The code returns with no errors but the player head won't show up

    set slot {_s} of {Revive::Gui} to {_uuid}'s skull named "&e%{_T}%" This is supposed to set the slot to the player head.
  9. Poinapples

    The code returns with no errors but the player head won't show up

    I dont get what you mean. The code is supposed to show an inventory that revives deathbanned people represented by their player heads
  10. Poinapples

    The code returns with no errors but the player head won't show up

    command /revivebook: permission: op trigger: give a book named "&b&lRevive Book" to player on death of player: remove 1 from {lives.%victim%} message "&c-1" to victim give a nether star of unbreaking 1 named "&b&lLife Energy" to attacker if {lives.%victim%} is 0...
  11. Poinapples

    It reloads with no errors but the player head wont show up

    command /revivebook: permission: op trigger: give a book named "&b&lRevive Book" to player on death of player: remove 1 from {lives.%victim%} message "&c-1" to victim give a nether star of unbreaking 1 named "&b&lLife Energy" to attacker if...
  12. Poinapples

    It says that I need to use "attacker" or "victim" for death/damage events

    on damage: if attacker is sneaking: if {team.%attacker's uuid%} is 5: if {flair_type.%attacker's uuid%} is 2: if {cooldown.%attacker's uuid%.locked} is true: cancel event else: if {timer.%attacker's...
  13. Poinapples

    My code isnt working for some reason

    None of these worked for some reason. I even made another skript to check and it didnt work. When I right click with the item, it doesn't go away.
  14. Poinapples

    My code isnt working for some reason

    it didnt work
  15. Poinapples

    My code isnt working for some reason

    on right click with 1 red dye: if name of tool of player is "&4Strength": if {team.%player%} is 4: if {strength.%player%} is 0: execute console command "/attribute %player's uuid% minecraft:generic.attack_damage base set 2" add 1 to...