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  1. E

    Applying custom generic_54 texture to specific gui

    Wait no that doesnt work becase you'll have the gaps in between them
  2. E

    Applying custom generic_54 texture to specific gui

    oh.... thanks ...
  3. E

    Applying custom generic_54 texture to specific gui

    So I've made a custom generic_54 file for the server texture pack but I want it only to open when I have custom guis, and have the normal texture when opening a chest. Please help :)
  4. E

    in-game command maker

    On line 6 (add {command.%player%} to {} # Initialize command list if not already) there's an error, what was the code that was put in the {} bit here? I tried deleting the line and it still didn't work, it assigned the command but there was no output when I typed in chat -idk. Just to clarify...
  5. E

    in-game command maker

    Sadly, the fixed code does not work. It registers the command but does not execute the function when I run the command that I created. /command create idk idk:unknown OUTPUT: Created command -idk -idk OUTPUT: <etheboi> -idk THANKFULLY: /command list OUTPUT: -idk These are the exact commands I...
  6. E

    in-game command maker

    Thanks, ill test it!
  7. E

    in-game command maker

    Better code: command /command [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]: permission: command.maker permission message: "&4You can not run this command!" trigger: if arg-1 is "create": set {_command} to "-%arg-2%" set {_command.%arg-2%.output} to arg-3 if...
  8. E

    in-game command maker

    So I'm trying to make a command where you can make little commands like -hello or -diamond. And I have a good idea for it. My code is: command /command [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]: permission: command.maker permission message: "&4You can not run this command!" trigger: if...
  9. E

    Finding the owner of a skull

    I put it into the parser and this appeared. Do yk how to fix this.
  10. E

    Finding the owner of a skull

    Thank you so much.
  11. E

    Finding the owner of a skull

    Can I set the owner to a variable?
  12. E

    Skript AnvilGUI is not compatible with 1.20.4.

    You need wolvsk and the highest version you can use it with is 1.16.X. If you want a search function, use a sign. Ill check out how to do that.
  13. E

    Click on the iron door 50 times with LMB to make it break

    on break of iron door: if {_clicks} is < 50: cancel event set {_clicks} to {_clicks} + 1 if {_clicks} is 50: set {_clicks} to 0 Idk but I think this could work
  14. E


    :emoji_skull: bro what addon are you using. That is NOT how you add NBT. You can only add NBT data to entities. Also ur command is completely wrong. #You need Skbee for this (I think) command /test [<integer>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&4&lPlease specify a...
  15. E

    Finding the owner of a skull

    So I am making a thing where you right click on a player's head, that player gets revived. I've made the revive skript but I need help with finding the owner of a skull. I was thinking I could use metadata but that gets reset on a server restart. Could I use NBT to store some data? loop all...
  16. E

    Random TP Skript help!!!

    Ok I always have problems with teleporting. For line 11, try changing "else" to "if block at {_x} {_y} {_z} is not air:". For the teleport bit on line 6, try doing teleport player to {_x}, {_y}, {_z} in world "WORLD NAME" #OR make server execute command "/tp %player% {_x} {_y} {z}" If this...
  17. E

    Preventing players from breaking spawners in the world

    on break: if player is in world "WORLD-NAME" if event-block is spawner: cancel event send "&bYou can not break spawners here!" to player
  18. E

    How do i make a fortnite-like building system Click on for more

    Omg this guy is trying to make fortnite in minecraft. TRUST ME MAN. DON'T DO IT But in answer to your question, yes on right click: if player is holding iron ingot named "Wall builder" with lore "Right Click" set {_center} to block 1 blocks ahead of player set {_top.corner} to block...
  19. E

    Only generate a world in 100 by 100 radius

    just go to 0 0 and set the border centerpoint there then just set the world border to 100