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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Q

    Solved Checking if entity is on ground

    I am skripting a wand where on a right click, you can throw totems. When these totem hit the ground, it will do damage to nearby players. I know how to do everything but checking if the armour stand is on the ground. How do I do this? Thanks.
  2. Q

    Solved "Shooting" particles?

    Essentially, I am trying to skript the Screamer-Killer from warhammer 40k into minecraft. However, I am stuck on shooting particles. The Screamer-Killer has an attack where it can scream and like kill stuff. I want to mimic this with a sonic boom. How do I do this? Thank you for any help in...
  3. Q

    Creating a magic circle with skript

    I am attempting to skript a magic system into my server, where when the player presses "f", a magic circle of some sort is summoned underneath them. I only know one way to create particles with skript, which I will list. play dragon breath at location of player to all players However, I don't...
  4. Q

    Solved Skript-gui not exactly working as intended.

    Hi, I am trying to skript a custom GUI into my server, using Skript-gui Currently I have this code: command /openTestGui: trigger: create a gui with virtual chest inventory I then reload the skript, and it successfully reloads it. However, when I try do the command "openTestGui" (I have...
  5. Q

    Solved Why doesn't this work?

    Hi, I am very new to skript and am trying to code a loop where every 1.5 seconds, your level goes down by one. This is the code i've tried: on join: while player is online: make console execute command "/experience add %player% -1 levels" set {Player_XP} to player's level wait 1.5...