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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. JarBinks

    Solved Mining skript not working

    Hi, I have a skript that when certain pickaxes mine blocks, it puts the blocks in the players inventories. It works for all the pickaxes execpt for the coal pick, iron pick, and the diamond pick. Also, how do I make it so no other blocks will drop, only if it gets mined by the correct picaxe. #...
  2. JarBinks

    Enchantment GUI

    Hi, I'm having a problem with my Skript. this is my full code, but im having troubles with the /givebook command. everytime I get a book, it comes up with the title "{_randomEnchantment}" not the custom enchantment name. options: script: global name: CustomEnchantments command...
  3. JarBinks

    Custom Item problems

    Hi, I am having some problems with my skript. The problem im having is that when i loop all the players and push them back / ignite them it is pushing/igniting the player who used the ability as well which I don't want to happen. Here is my skript: #summon lightning at an area nearby. on...
  4. JarBinks

    Shop GUI

    CATEGORY: Gens SUGGESTED NAME: ShopGUI WHAT I WANT: I would like a shop GUI for buying new equipment and upgrading old gear. I want the shop GUI to be able to instead of using a economy balance, use blocks from your inventory to buy items like compressed items and upgrade gear with better...
  5. JarBinks

    Help with making custom mobs spawn naturally.

    hi I need help making a skript for my server where in a certain world guard region it randomly spawn custom mobs.
  6. JarBinks

    Solved Help with making my item look enchanted

    Hi, I need some help fixing this code: on death of zombie: chance of 50%: give player 2 sunflower glowing hidden named "&e&lCoin" stop else: give player 3 sunflower glowing hidden named "&e&lCoin" stop Everything works but the the glowing doesn't. I'm...