Custom Item problems

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Jun 28, 2023
Hi, I am having some problems with my skript. The problem im having is that when i loop all the players and push them back / ignite them it is pushing/igniting the player who used the ability as well which I don't want to happen.
Here is my skript:
#summon lightning at an area nearby.
on rightclick with a golden axe:
    if player is holding a golden axe named "&6&l&o&kHH&e&l&oThor's Hammer&6&l&o&kHH":
        if {thundercooldown::%player%} is not set:
            if player is not sneaking:
                strike lightning at the targeted block
                set {thundercooldown::%player%} to true
                wait 7 seconds
                clear {thundercooldown::%player%}
            else: #right click while sneaking to push players around you back
                loop all players in radius 5 around player:
                    push loop-player backwards at speed 5
                set {knockcooldown::%player%} to true
                wait 10 seconds
                clear {knockcooldown::%player%}
        if {thundercooldown::%player%} is set:
            send "&4This ability is on cooldown."

# make players around you burst into flames.
on rightclick with a iron sword:
    if player is holding a iron sword named "&4»&c»&6»Blazing Blade&6«&c«&4«":
        if {blazingcooldown::%player%} is not set:
            loop all players in radius 3 around player:
                ignite loop-player for 30 seconds
            loop all blocks in radius 3 around player:
                lerp 5 of flame at loop-block with offset vector(0, 1, 0) with extra 0.05
            set {blazingcooldown::%player%} to true
            wait 15 seconds
            clear {blazingcooldown::%player%}
        if {blazingcooldown::%player%} is set:
            send "&4This ability is on cooldown."
Hi, I am having some problems with my skript. The problem im having is that when i loop all the players and push them back / ignite them it is pushing/igniting the player who used the ability as well which I don't want to happen.
Here is my skript:
#summon lightning at an area nearby.
on rightclick with a golden axe:
    if player is holding a golden axe named "&6&l&o&kHH&e&l&oThor's Hammer&6&l&o&kHH":
        if {thundercooldown::%player%} is not set:
            if player is not sneaking:
                strike lightning at the targeted block
                set {thundercooldown::%player%} to true
                wait 7 seconds
                clear {thundercooldown::%player%}
            else: #right click while sneaking to push players around you back
                loop all players in radius 5 around player:
                    push loop-player backwards at speed 5
                set {knockcooldown::%player%} to true
                wait 10 seconds
                clear {knockcooldown::%player%}
        if {thundercooldown::%player%} is set:
            send "&4This ability is on cooldown."

# make players around you burst into flames.
on rightclick with a iron sword:
    if player is holding a iron sword named "&4»&c»&6»Blazing Blade&6«&c«&4«":
        if {blazingcooldown::%player%} is not set:
            loop all players in radius 3 around player:
                ignite loop-player for 30 seconds
            loop all blocks in radius 3 around player:
                lerp 5 of flame at loop-block with offset vector(0, 1, 0) with extra 0.05
            set {blazingcooldown::%player%} to true
            wait 15 seconds
            clear {blazingcooldown::%player%}
        if {blazingcooldown::%player%} is set:
            send "&4This ability is on cooldown."
You code's issue is that it does not account for the player as being a loop-player. To resolve this try adding:
if loop-player is not player:
You would add this to your loops which involves damaging other players. I haven't tested it but it should work.
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