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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. DanRub

    Solved Open enchanting table with level 30 via command

    Hey, does anyone know how to open an enchant lvl 30 via command or something? I'd be very grateful if someone knows. (It will probably be through sktipt-reflect, but it doesnt matter.)
  2. DanRub

    Open functional enchant to player

    Hey, so im making a code, where when a player clicks on certain inventory slot it will open normal enchant to him. Is it somehow possible? Becuase the only thing i have is "open enchanting table inventory to player" and this actually open the enchant inventory but you cant enchant anything in...
  3. DanRub

    Skript developer for hire

    Hey, if you are making minecraft server and you are planning to make skript codes but you are just beginner i can make some codes for you, or teach you the basic things. I can make easier codes for free but some hard ones for some small amount of cash, if you are interested, reply with your...
  4. DanRub

    problem with variable and remaining time

    Hello, so im making skript about queue, i wont paste here the whole code cause it would be too confusing, but i will describe it. So i have variable set as time for a ban and when i use the variable in other arg then where its created its not working. This is the start of the skript: command...
  5. DanRub

    Solved Where is the problem xd

    The problem is that i cant join queue even the {game} is false.. anyone know why? Also i would appreciate before reply to me please test it or something bc this skript reloaded just fine but it doesnt work xd command /queue <string> [<player>]: usage: &cUse: /queue <join, leave> trigger...
  6. DanRub

    Name of loop player

    Hi, is possible, that i would use full loop players name in skript? Im creating skript for mention in chat, but i have problem that if someone name is "DanRub" and other one is "DanRub2" and you write "hi DanRub2" it pings both DanRub and DanRub2 in that message, but i need to ping only...
  7. DanRub

    Solved on command cooldown

    Hi, i need help. I have RTP plugin on my server and there is option to set cooldown time and message, but I need that when the player has an active cooldown, so that it send him a message + teleport him to spawn, any ideas how to do it? My broken code: on command "/rtp world genworld": if...
  8. DanRub

    CMI script

    Yo, whatsupp i need some advice regarding cmi script, i have cmi on my server and when i script something connected with cmi, cmi just always win, like i scripted this, so players couldnt change their personal time on spawn, but anyway cmi wins and writes their message there, idk why... on...
  9. DanRub

    on click GUI

    Hi, I need some advice on a script to send a command after clicking on a certain slot in the GUI For example, i have on server gui VIP, i need that when player click on gold ingot to close him invetnory and send to chat message. Something like: on inventory click: if name of player's current...