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  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. M

    Solved Duplicated Variables

    Woops, I am an idiot, you can filter out duplicates in excel. Although, I still think skript should automatically do that. Thanks anyway!
  2. M

    Solved Duplicated Variables

    I'm sorry I made you confused, that isn't the problem I'm facing. I already set that event up. The problem is that there are too many variables being duplicated in the variables.csv file. Instead of overwriting old variables, skript creates new variables every time you want to change the...
  3. M

    Solved Duplicated Variables

    on death of zombie: if attacker is a player: add 1 to {zombieKills.%attacker%} For every zombie a player kills, their {zombieKills.%attacker%} variable is increased by 1. If a new player joins my server, their {zombieKills.%attacker%} variable is equal to 0, and in the...
  4. M

    Solved Duplicated Variables

    I'm curious if there is a solution to the duplicating of variables problem. For example, if {zombieKills.%player%} equals 0, then a moment later I add 1 to {zombieKills.%player%}, skript creates a second variable in the variables.csv file and I now have 2 {zombieKills.%player%} variables, one...
  5. M

    Solved Enchanting Item with Separate Variable

    Skript won't allow me to enchant an item if the enchant level is a separate variable, does anyone know a workaround? {sharpnessLevel.%loop-player%} is any integer over 0 if loop-item is a sword: enchant loop-item with Sharpness {sharpnessLevel.%loop-player%}
  6. M

    Can't change pitch of entity

    The 4th line won't change the entity's pitch, but the 3rd line changes the entity's yaw perfectly. I wanted to know if there was any reason for why the pitch can't be changed or if I made a mistake. Thank you! set {_variable} to location of player loop 40 times: set yaw of {_variable}...
  7. M

    Is it possible to get the amount of players online in a multiverse world?

    Skript Version: Skript 2.2 (dev25) Minecraft Version: 1.11.2 Is it possible to get the amount of players online in only 1 multiverse world?
  8. M

    Every Second Event not recognized

    Skript Version: Skript 2.2 Minecraft Version: 1.11.2 Error on Reload: My console tells me "[09:29:57 ERROR]: can't understand this event: 'every 5 seconds in Hub' (, line 1: every 5 seconds in Hub:#Hub is the world name')" Script...