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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Mich


    Important: You need sk bee add on for this script to work. There is an error on line 485 to spawn a toast rabbit I don't know yet how to fix it but is not a problem for the script. Screen shoots pets: Screen shoots GUI Commands: /pet or /pets opens a GUI to choose a pet...
  2. Mich

    Solved how can I spawn a black and white rabbit? (toast)

    skript version 2.6.1 server version git paper 283 1.18.2 Console error: Can't understand this condition/effect: spawn a toast rabbit at the player rabbit I want to spawn
  3. Mich

    Solved Can someone explains list with more than 1 index?

    I want to understand list with more than one index for example: {list::index 1:: index 2} and how I can take advantage of this types of list using loops like example: loop {list::index 1::*}
  4. Mich

    Simple villager defender

    Feel free to modify this script and dont uploaded just tell me and I update the script and I add you to contributors if you make it better. The game have a gui shop feel free to modify that and zombies can spawn with armor or tools if you add them to the game. You need sk bee add on for...
  5. Mich

    Pathfind for 1.18.2?

    I can't find a working addon for 1.18.2 with pathfind. I tried SKquery, skmisk and stuff and is not working. Any other addon? Or can someone make a simple pathfind addon?
  6. Mich

    Solved ecuations in a function

    Script Version (do not put latest): 2.6.1 Script Author: TPGamesNL Minecraft Version: 1.18.2 I am making a linear interpolation formula for a custom health skript. I need to know how to make this work Console error: §c Can't understand this condition/effect: set {_result} to ((%{_v}% -...
  7. Mich

    Skript player data system whiteout addons ?

    i think figuring out a way to save variables by removing them from server ram. I want to share this with everyone since in version 1.14 to 1.16 there is no script yml. This is about saving the server variables in the lore of an object, deleting them and when joining, passing them back from the...
  8. Mich

    Variables cannot be used here. Function problem

    Skript version 2.5 beta 3 autor Shane Bee server: Spigot 1.16.2 function spawnpet(p: player, pet: string): kill {pet::%{_p}%} wait a tick spawn a ("%{_pet}%" parsed as entity type) at the {_p} Error: Variables cannot be used here. spawn a ("%{_pet}%" parsed as entity type) at the {_p}
  9. Mich

    Solved SkQuery and skript compatibility problem

    Skript version 2.5 beta 3 autor: Shane Bee skQuery version 4.1.3 spigot 1.16.2 Description: There is a problem with the set slot 0 of inventory of {_p} to any item if I use skquery that effect wont work and there is no code errors I remove skqery from plugins and the error is gone, that how I...
  10. Mich

    Creeper game

    Category: Fun Suggested name: Creeper game Spigot/Skript Version: any What I want: A skript when a player spawns a creeper with a creeper spawn egg makes the creeper friendly for that player but the creeper is able to path find other players nearby and kill the enemy players, if the creeper...
  11. Mich

    I am trying to use a variable as a number and is not working for some effects

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.5-beta3 Skript Author: ShaneBee Minecraft Version: spigot 1.12.2 --- Full Code: REED THIS PLEASE: I am not triying to use a command on my code this is just an example of my problem. I you need the full code let me know Code (Skript): command /test...
  12. Mich

    Error in my function I dont know how to fix

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript 2.4.1 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 Server Spigot 1.12.2 How I try to fix the code I did everything else widout the function and it was working great, but doing this widout a function it will be messy and will take more time
  13. Mich

    Solved Can I replace a zombie hearts with a variable

    I am trying to do a zombie minigame and I replace players hearts with a variable, I want to do the same with the zombies. Example on damage of a player: if {minigame.%attacker%} is true: cancel event set {p_health.%attacker%} to p_health.%attacker%} - 10 if...