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  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. Experical

    Placeholder is not an entity type?

    I am having a problem where it says that the placeholder is not a entity type: every 10 seconds: set {playerbal} to placeholder "%factionsuuid_player_balance%"# Problem set {playerpower} to placeholder "%factionsuuid_player_power%"# Problem set {playerkills} to placeholder...
  2. Experical

    (Skungee) Permission is not an item type?

    I want it say which staff are online, how would I do that if I cant do permission?
  3. Experical

    (Skungee) Permission is not an item type?

    So this should work then. command /players: trigger: set {_players::*} to all bungeecord players loop {_players::*}: if loop-value has permission "": add loop-value to {_staff::*} loop all bungeecord servers: add all bungeecord players on...
  4. Experical

    (Skungee) Permission is not an item type?

    This is my code: command /glist2: trigger: loop all bungeecord players: if loop-player has permission "": # Problem here add loop-player to {_staff::*} loop all bungeecord servers: add all bungeecord players on server "%loop-value%" to...
  5. Experical

    Skript 1.12.2 Links not loading

    The link is parced, and it open in chrome, but the page never loads It comes up saying do you want to go to this link thing
  6. Experical

    Skript 1.12.2 Links not loading

    Hello, On my server, when I put a link in chat using skript, it works when I click on it to open the page, but the page never loads. When I type the link manually in chrome, it works, it may not be a problem with skript but idk. Thanks, Experical