SkSWM - SlimeWorldManager Addon for Skript

Addon SkSWM - SlimeWorldManager Addon for Skript 1.1.2-SNAPSHOT

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Fixes bugs related to Integer Property Values.
Version 1.1 has been released.

New Additions:
  • Added the cloned slime world expression.

"(slime world|slimeworld|slime-world) cloned from %slimeworld% named %string% saved to %swmstoragetype%[ using properties %slimepropertymap%]"

"(read-only|readonly|read only) (slime world|slimeworld|slime-world) cloned from %slimeworld% named %string% saved to %swmstoragetype%[ using properties %slimepropertymap%]"

The SlimePropertyMap value is optional, and if given will override the Property Map the world already has. You still need to use the Load Effect against the world after it has been cloned.

Bug Fixes: