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We've been working on this script for a while now to make it very interesting. Before, a lot of things were feasible but the code was horrible, very bad, and we wanted to fix it.
That's why we present SkSchematic 2.0. In this version, many new features are present:

  • Code redone, much clearer and of better quality
  • Save structures in files ! Finally!
  • Generation of structures in your worlds when they are loaded!
  • An anti-crash system to prevent your server from crashing during too large structures
  • An "op only" system allowing orders to be limited to op people only.

And much more!

That is why we invite you to delete the previous versions and please only take this one into account.

We hope you will like this version as much as we like it :emoji_slight_smile:
It has been one moment since we not made of updates. We thus corrected certain concerns of messages as well as load of structures.
From now on, it is possible to make a rotation of the structure by means of the command /rotate. No system for reset this rotation is functional but we work on it. Let us make now a recapitulation of this update:
- [+] addition of the possibility of making a rotation for a structure (before which is generated)
- [+] correction of bugs with messages
- [+] precision of the location of the structures increased
- [-] increase of the used ram: /sk reload all will put more time because the data are more important

This update will please several people :emoji_slight_smile:

To come:

- Save a structure in one file and share them.
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Reactions: joshwenke
I delete the redirect link towards Skript-mc