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Addon PurpleSk 1.6

  • Welcome to skUnity!

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This is an update posted by skUnity updating the download URL of the resource to a version located on
Thanks to cnaude, the developer of PurpleIRC, I was able to add an event-channel and event-recipient (for PMs) expression for the irc message event. Please make sure to update PurpleIRC (min. build 283) when you update PurpleSk.

Full documentation is on the wiki!
Everything is documented on the wiki!

New expressions:

Hostmask of user
Channels of bot
Users in channel
Banned list (from config)
Ops list (from config)
Voices list (from config)

New effects:
Private message
Send raw
Join channel
Leave channel
Op user
Deop user
Voice user
Devoice user
Ban user
Unban user
Mute user
Unmute user

About half of this is untested, please let me know if there's any problems. I plan to do a little more with this soon™, if you want any features lemme know on discord.
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Reactions: Snow-Pyon
Small change to allow you to use set irc message to "%string%" and related expressions more efficiently and without problems.