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Script MirrorUtils 1.1.2

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Bug fixes:
- changed the enchant expression to %itemstack% enchanted with %enchantmenttypes% to avoid conflicts with Skript's expressions.
- formatted %number% should now work properly (it was using the wrong variable). [thanks TeAm6_AZLIK]
- all lists now use and to avoid the annoying 'list missing and/or' warning. [thanks TeAm6_AZLIK]
Bug fixes:
- changed the enchant expression to %itemstack% enchanted with %enchantmenttypes% to avoid conflicts with Skript's expressions.
- formatted %number% should now work properly (it was using the wrong variable). [thanks TeAm6_AZLIK]
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Reactions: Ayham Alali
- MirrorUtils now supports 2.3.1.
- Fixed condition comments where it was showing as boolean.
- month in text to seconds expression is now represented as 'mo' (to avoid conflict with minute).

- none
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Reactions: Ayham Alali
- Sorting now works directly with variables and allows you to get the last ones.
- Added a {_i}++ / {_i}-- effect.
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Reactions: Ayham Alali
- ENTITY HAS POTION now has an optional s in level.

- ordinal of integer > returns 1th, 2nd, 3rd
- format seconds > allows you to format seconds (unix timestamps or time differences) any way you want, e.g. 1h10m15s or 1 hour, 10 min and 15 sec.
Fixes the RegEx matches condition that wasn't working.