
Addon GravesX 4.97.3

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Fixed a critical bug with MiniMessage where converting legacy color codes to MiniMessage would sometimes fail or not format at all.
  • Grave Abandonment - When grave times out, the grave would be set to an abandoned state and that means that it will not show up in /graves gui
  • Remove First Grave - If a player dies, should we remove their first grave?
  • Obituary chance - Determines if the obituary should appear upon death
  • New Events:
    • GraveAbandonedEvent - Fired when a grave is abandoned
    • GraveObituaryAddEvent - Fired when a grave is given an obituary
    • GravePlayerHeadDropEvent - Fired when a player head is dropped.
    • GraveProtectionCreateEvent - Fired when a grave is given Grave Protection
  • Update all comments to be more consistent
  • Update FurnitureLib dependency
  • Fixed an issue where hover tags didn't work with kyori tags
  • Updated/Bumped most dependencies to the latest.
  • Migrator no longer called twice when migrating to MySQL/MariaDB
  • Shaded Kyori and Minedown (because spigot doesn't support kyori natively and is needed to work properly)
  • Bumped config version to 9
  • Database Versions for MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL are now included in dumps and metrics as of this version
  • Deprecated numerous methods to include support for new methods
  • H2 and PostgreSQL are now natively supported (since they both act the same way. Migration is mapped and should now work as expected)
  • SQLite Migrator now uses HikariCP to connect to the DB file before transferring all contents over (Just to be consistent and for better maintainability)
Fixes a NullPointerException in grave protection logic. No real changes with this release.
  • Fixed an issue with missing messages in grave.yml causing messages to return as null
  • Bumped config version to 8.
  • Fixed a bug where graves would try and remove hologram data that no longer exists when a grave expires
  • Metrics will now also log to
  • Fixed an issue where graves would spam console when dumping graves content when a grave expires.
  • PlaceholderAPI now returns with the name gravesx instead of graves
  • Updated readme.txt to reflect GravesX (for consistency)
  • Fixed IllegalArgumentException with Grave Protection in certain cases
  • Fixed compass bugs where functions stopped working (broke it while patching an exploit. Its fixed now)
  • Fixed bug with Explosion config option not being respected
  • Added config option in grave.yml to allow you to set the grave protection radius
  • Fixed compass not working for versions older than 1.19
  • Config Version Bumped to 7. REDO CONFIGS TIME :emoji_sob: (JK. Do not worry about having to manually setup your configs again. It will automatically update for you and save a backup)
There was an exploit where players could dupe items when Auto Looting a grave. This has been patched out.

- Patched compass exploit
- Grave Protection (this will protect a 15 block radius around the grave site. Explosions can occur if grave is set to explode, otherwise it will not explode anything)