Discord Trivia

Script Discord Trivia 1.00

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Need help? post on the thread or PM me on Discord (Parrothead#8885)

Not everything is completed. Please read the todo section as well as the comments in the script to see if something is not done yet.

Hello, this is my first public script. It is a trivia script that interacts exclusively with Discord text channels. This is not a script for ingame Minecraft trivia; if you need that, then look elsewhere. This was written as a proof-of-concept initially and then developed into a more sophisticated script. Because of this, it is quite messy and I will be cleaning it up over time.

Asks trivia questions pulled from any website you set up
Multiple answers possible per question
Bot is flexible with answers, ignores user spacing, filler words like 'and' and 'the' when snooping for answers
Auto-stop function when nobody is answering (default 7)
Automatic hints are given when nobody can answer the question
Quick answers, streaks, as well as slow answers modify question point values
Highly configurable

Vixio (Discord Addon) https://forums.skunity.com/resources/vixio-the-best-discord-addon-on-the-market.19/
SKUtilities (any semi-recent edition) https://forums.skunity.com/resources/skutilities.26/
Most versions of Skript should work, if not then let me know
Maybe more? Let me know if I missed anything

Rewrite a lot of code for compactness and reduced redundancy
Turn trivia command into a function
Add better hint support as well as how many are given

Create top players command
Live leaderboard + commands on the channel topic

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post below.
triviapic.png triviapic2.png
First release
Last update
4.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest reviews

Love the idea.
Please add "wait 1 tick" before you execute console command to prevent an error in your console.
I'll change my rating after you update the script.

Keep it up!