- Supported Minecraft Versions
- 1.10
- 1.11
ContactStaff is a simple skript that allows players to seek help from server staff by creating a private chatroom for them.
Chat commands:
Extra features:
- /contact \\ Tells player if there are staff members online and how many of them.
- /contact staff \\ Requests help from a staff member, you can alternatively click on the orange text from the first command.
- /contactaccept \\ This command accepts a help request, it's recommended to click on request message in the chat.
Chat commands:
- !c \\ Sends the following message to the private chat room
- !c [stop] \\ Closes the private chat room that you are currently in
- ContactStaff.admin \\ Marks you as an administrator of the server allowing you to accept help requests
- ContactStaff.moderator \\ Marks you as a moderator of the server allowing you to accept help requests
Extra features:
- All messages between the player and staff member will be logged to "contactlogs" directory in your server folder.
- Chat rooms are automatically terminated if either one leaves the server
- When staff member accepts a help request both the player and the staff member will receive a short guide how to send messages and close the room
- When a staff member receives help request they must click on the chat message in order to accept it
- Player will know if they're talking to an administrator or to a moderator