Solved set blocks in chunk

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New Member
Dec 7, 2017
I'm having trouble trying to get blocks to be placed on the edge of chunks and later getting removed after a few minutes passed.

Does anyone have a way for this to be done?
Skellett has a syntax to get all the blocks around the edge of a chunk
[(the|all)] [of] [the] blocks [in [a[n]]] (around|outlin(e|ing)) [of] chunk %chunk% [[at] [y(-| )coordinate] %-number%]
An example could be:

set {_chunk} to the chunk at player
set blocks around chunk {_chunk} at y-coordinate of location below player to diamond blocks

If the y-coordinate is not defined, it will grab all the blocks from 0 to 255 outlining the chunk.

I don't know off the top of my head the mathematically order in which the blocks get added to the list. I think it goes 0,0,0 of the chunk to 16,16,16 up-scaling north by 1 each time, until it reaches coordinate 16, then it moves to the next row west, similar to how Skript calculates spheres.

So if you wanted a set of blocks from say the corner of an edge, you can use the chunk coordinate location of a block from SkQuery to test if it's of greater values in the direction you want. Or you can just set it to a list and grab the blocks by their index number if that's easier aswell.
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