Recent content by zainmz

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  1. Z

    Solved Cant get this to work

    Hello , Im working on a jail stick and unable to get it work , there are no errors aswell. on damage of a player: if attacker's tool is {@jailstick}: if victim is a player: if attacker has permission "police.use": set {%attacker%.usedstick} to now...
  2. Z

    Solved How to check if player is a member of a worldguard region

    Nope still doesnt help :emoji_frowning:, it has something to do with check if player is a member of a region. That part doesnt seem to work
  3. Z

    Solved How to check if player is a member of a worldguard region

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript bensku-2.5-alpha3 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.15.2 Paper --- Full Code: command /regionflags <text> <text> : permission: regionflags.use trigger: if arg 1 is "pvp": set {_region} to "%region at player%"...
  4. Z

    Solved Not saving kills

  5. Z

    Solved Not saving kills

    Sadly it does not work, the list does not save players to it, the tracking always return no kills on record.
  6. Z

    Solved Not saving kills

    @Dave Line 6: An entity cannot be saved, i.e. the contents of the variable {lastAttacker.%the attacked entity%} will be lost when the server stops. (, line 6: set {lastAttacker.%victim%} to attacker') Line 21: The expression 'victim' can only be used in a damage or death event...
  7. Z

    Solved Not saving kills

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript bensku-2.5-alpha3 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.15.2 --- Full Code: on death: if world is "world": message "&0[&aNOTICE&0]&b You have killed &e%player% &b" to the attacker attacker is a player add player to...
  8. Z

    Solved Need help identifying the issue

    Thank you so much, I didnt know we have to set the coordinates as values instead of variables.
  9. Z

    Solved Need help identifying the issue

    I have come to skript after a few years and I am skripting again, so I might have forgetten how most things work. Anway here is my code else if arg 1 is "chase": if arg 2 is set: if world is "world": set {_x%arg-2%} to x-coordinate of...
  10. Z

    NBT Issue

    do you have any example code on how i could change mine
  11. Z

    NBT Issue

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript bensku-2.5-alpha3 Skript Author: none Minecraft Version: 1.15 Addons : Skquery 4.1.2 Skstuff 1.15 unofficial fork Skellet-Legacy --- Full Code: on join: set {_nbt} to...
  12. Z

    Solved Parsing Json in skript

    Skript Version (do not put latest): Skript bensku-2.5-alpha3 Skript Author: none Minecraft Version: 1.15 --- Full Code: ["",{"text":"This is fun and","color":"dark_green"},{"text":" "},{"text":"click me ","color":"red","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/monkey"}}] So a few years...
  13. Z

    Solved Set Custom Head

    I would like to set the hotbar slot 8 to a custom head, is it possible to do that? If so how would i do it?