Recent content by xdh

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  1. xdh

    How can i make on death of player by damage function give attacker 1 diamond?

    on death: if victim is player: if attacker is player: give attacker 1 diamond
  2. xdh

    CustomModelData Items in skript

    I don't understand the issue, using the parser the code below didnt generate any errors function openMenu(p: player, i: item): set metadata tag "inventory" of {_p} to chest inventory named "Inventory" set slot 1 of metadata tag "inventory" of {_p} to {_i} with custom model data 4...
  3. xdh

    Clear inv on spawn/join

    You can check using something like on command "/spawn": execute console command "" Regarding the world and inventory system, you're going to have to save the players inventory, then remove it, and using the event on world change: detect whether the player's world changed to the world he has...
  4. xdh

    On touch

    touches?????? are you looking for on right click? or on damage?
  5. xdh

    Cancel Teleportation with Movement

    Save the player's location when running the command, and check before teleporting if the location of the player is still the same.
  6. xdh

    Solved How do i remove text above players?

    in the loop, set a condition, a boolean variable maybe, or metadata whatever suits your needs, and when you want to turn it off simply set the boolean/metadata to false. EDIT: Check this out for metadata.
  7. xdh

    buyable kits issue

    I'm not sure what the issue could be, but I'll teach you something, a developer's mindset let's say, debug, check the value of vault_eco_balance_fixed variable, like this command /test: trigger: set {vault_eco_balance_fixed} to placeholder "vault_eco_balance_fixed" send...
  8. xdh


    whats the error you get in console? when the server crashes/kicks you out?
  9. xdh


    Use code blocks
  10. xdh

    Solved Removing Blocks Around Player

    never knew you could use metadata like that well played!
  11. xdh

    How to stop negative durability?

    this isn't really a 'fix' but just make a function, that would damage the tool, and in that function check if the durability is below 0 if so remove the tool
  12. xdh

    Solved Removing Blocks Around Player

    loop the blocks around the player, and break them, if its a "mode" then make a variable, a boolean (true/false) and every x seconds/ticks check if a player has the variable turned on then break the blocks around him
  13. xdh

    Is loop-command possible?

    Probably not, what are you trying to do, I could help provide an alternative way to your problem
  14. xdh

    Health Boost

    you should probably read the syntax of skript, also you might want to listen to other events rather than just pickup, but that's just for later now, your issue is to do with syntax. There is no need to check if the player is alive, because it's not possible to "pickup" an item when dead. on...
  15. xdh

    Item Exchanger Skript

    first off, you would be wayyy better off using functions rather than commands, here's a tutorial on functions. secondly, after getting the loop item, check the amount of loop item, that'll do the job