Recent content by Romeon

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  1. R

    Prevent certain block places on others plot

    alright man, thanks for your help anyways
  2. R

    Prevent certain block places on others plot as you can see a plot it not a chunk
  3. R

    Prevent certain block places on others plot

    hey! Thanks for your response. I used: on command "/plot add": set {plots::%player's chunk%} to player's uuid on any movement: if {plots::%player's chunk%} is set: send "this plot is owned by other players" to player This will send a message to all players instead of just the player...
  4. R

    Prevent certain block places on others plot

    Hi! Is there a way so that people that are added to my plot are not able to place a certain block like hay bale? They should be able to then place it on their own plot tho. Not others. Plugin I use for plots: Plotsquared
  5. R

    Prevent certain block places on others plot

    Hi! Is there a way so that people that are added to my plot are not able to place a certain block like hay bale? They should be able to then place it on their own plot tho. Not others. Plugin I use for plots: Plotsquared