Recent content by NeptunePlayz

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  1. N

    Solved Time difference for voting

    I wonder how to do this, if someone can fix this skript for me, I would really appreciate it. I found some stuff on the internet, but I didn't quite understand it, so this is why I am asking for this. every 5 minutes: loop all players: if {vote::cooldown::%loop-player's uuid%} is not set...
  2. N

    Solved Skellett chat packets

    I understood that Skellett had packets, so what I am asking for is if it is possible to change the chat message for a specific player, I don't know if I even need to use Skellett to do this, but I want to change the name in the chat message to some other color for the specific player while for...
  3. N

    Solved Why does it crash my server after someone moves when he was afk?

    Well for some reason my code just makes the server crash when someone comes back from being afk. I have no idea why. Here is my code: command /setlimbo: permission: admin trigger: set {limbo} to location of player send "&eYou set the Limbo spawn to your current...
  4. N

    Solved Storing blocks into a list on break then putting them back after a specific time.

    So as the title says I basically want to store a broken block into a list then placing them back again in the same location after a specific time has gone. I didn't manage to do it, so here's my code: on enable: set block at {cave::cobble} to cobble on disable: set block at {cave::cobble}...
  5. N

    Help me with Guis, putting a new item to the next available slot

    Yeah, "There's no type in gui click event"
  6. N

    Help me with Guis, putting a new item to the next available slot

    and what about middle clicking to remove the application?
  7. N

    Help me with Guis, putting a new item to the next available slot

    The code doesn't seem to be working for some reason, no errors, but it doesn't add the item in the gui.
  8. N

    Help me with Guis, putting a new item to the next available slot

    command /apply: trigger: give 1 book and quill to player command /sendapply: trigger: if player's tool is written book: send "&aWorks" else if player's tool is book and quill: send "&cYou need to sign your application!" else...
  9. N

    Help me with Guis, putting a new item to the next available slot

    Can you show some example code for it?
  10. N

    Help me with Guis, putting a new item to the next available slot

    There is not much more to say right here, because the thing I want to make is an apply script, so that you can do /apply to get a book and quill, I have already done that, but here is the tricky part, how I can type /sendapply, and it will send the book and quill to a GUI for admins or players...
  11. N

    Why are these death messages not working?

    on death: victim is a player if damage was caused by void: if {Hitted::%victim%} is set: set the death message to "&c&lVOID &c%victim% &7got knocked into the void by &c%{Hitted::%attacker%}%" delete {Hitted::%victim%} else if {Hitted::%victim%} is...