I wonder how to do this, if someone can fix this skript for me, I would really appreciate it. I found some stuff on the internet, but I didn't quite understand it, so this is why I am asking for this.
I basically want to disable notifications for people, if they have voted.
[doublepost=1579357544][/doublepost]I managed to fix it.
every 5 minutes:
loop all players:
if {vote::cooldown::%loop-player's uuid%} is not set:
send "&eIf you enjoy playing on the server, please consider voting for our playerserver to help it get better!" to loop-player
send "<link:https://playerservers.com/server/grandnetwork/vote>&a&lClick here to vote!<reset>" to loop-player
on join:
if {vote::cooldown::%player's uuid%} is not set:
wait 1 second
send "&eWe noticed that you haven't voted for us today, please consider voting."
send "<link:https://playerservers.com/server/grandnetwork/vote>&a&lClick here to vote!<reset>"
command /setvote [<offlineplayer>]:
permission: console
if sender is console:
set {vote::cooldown::%arg-1's uuid%} to now
set {difference::%arg-1's uuid%} to difference between {vote::cooldown::%arg-1's uuid%} and now
set {remaining-time::%arg-1's uuid%} to difference between {difference::%arg-1's uuid%} and 24 hours
every tick:
loop all players:
if difference between {remaining-time::%loop-player's uuid%} and {difference::%loop-player's uuid%} is more than 1 tick:
delete {vote::cooldown::%loop-player's uuid%}
I basically want to disable notifications for people, if they have voted.
[doublepost=1579357544][/doublepost]I managed to fix it.