Recent content by MrMonkeyPants34

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. M

    Sethome Skript

    What I want: I am wanting a Skript which has a sethome, home and delhome command. Players with the permission "mcm.home" can set 1 home and players with "mcm.home.3" can set 3 homes etc. Ideas for commands: /sethome, /delhome, /home Ideas for permissions: mcm.sethome mcm.delhome...
  2. M

    Group System

    Hi there, I am making a script group system and I am currently using variables to hold what rank a player is and I don't know how to add permissions. command /rank [<offline player>] [<text>]: trigger: if command sender is player: if command sender is not console...
  3. M

    Fly Command

    Hai there, I am making a fly script and I am fairly new to script and need some help. My script: command /fly: trigger: if command sender is console: send "&2&lMCM &8» &aThis command can only be executed by a player!" if command sender is player: if...
  4. M

    Permissions Variable List

    Hi there, I am creating a script which will tell you upon command what ranks the user has. Each rank has a permission "rank.(group)" and this is what I tried below. on join: if player has permission "rank.member": set {test.list::%player%} to true command /test [<offline player>]...
  5. M

    Permission Checker

    Hi there, I am making an administrator script, when you run this command, it will grab permissions from a user. I am using GroupManager. For example, if you run the command, it will run manucheckp player permission and the second line of the respond contains "This user inherits the permission...
  6. M

    Rainbow NameColour

    Hi there, I have been creating a NameColour script and I am wondering if it is possible to have each letter or a players name a different colour using script, for example a rainbow colour. The code I am using for the colours is: if arg-1 contains "c": set display name of player to...
  7. M

    NameColor - MySQL

    Skript Version: Latest Minecraft Version: 1.12 --- Full Code: command /color-set [<text>]: permission: mcm.color.set permission message: "&2&lMCM &8» &cYou must be a &a&lVIP &cto use this!" trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&2&lMCM &8» &cUsage: /color-set (color)" if arg-1...