Recent content by JAYJAYTEE

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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    Script Supreme Bosses BETA 0.1 NOTE! This current build is in a BETA STAGE. This means multiple features have not been implemented yet! 1. Easy and efficient to use, even if you are just a beginner as a server owner. 2. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced. 3. No...

    Supreme Bosses BETA NOTE! This current build is in a BETA STAGE. This means multiple features have not been implemented yet! 1. Easy and efficient to use, even if you are just a beginner as a server owner. 2. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced. 3. No...

    Supreme Coins

    1. Easy and efficient to use, even if you are just a beginner as a server owner. 2. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced. 3. No lag, for you or your server. 4. Support for maximum java-64 bit integer. 5. Support for decimals. 6. Easy to use withdraw command with...

    Script Supreme Coins 1.0.0

    1. Easy and efficient to use, even if you are just a beginner as a server owner. 2. Easy to configure, but with the possibility to make it more advanced. 3. No lag, for you or your server. 4. Support for maximum java-64 bit integer. 5. Support for decimals. 6. Easy to use withdraw command with...

    Can I use this in a java Plugin


    Solved Take quantitys away from a GUI slot

    Skript Version: 2.5-alpha3 Skript Author: Bensku Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 How could I remove an amount from a slot with 6 diamonds (for example) from a GUI. Here's a helpful list of plugins I am running. - Sk-NBeet - Vault - ViaVersion, ViaBackwards and ViaRewind - SkQuery -...