Recent content by jackYodil

  • Welcome to skUnity!

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  1. jackYodil

    How to make a stealable item in a gui?

    How do I make a stealable item in a gui? sk version: 2.2 I also searched docs
  2. jackYodil

    Set a player's inventory to a variable then open it?

    Skript Version: Skript 2.2 (dev20c) Skript Author: Me Minecraft Version: 1.7.10/1.8 --- open {inventory.%player%} set {inventory.%player%} to player's inventory I need to know how to set a player's inventory to a variable then how do I open it? If it's possible thanks! And i don't want "open...
  3. jackYodil

    Script MiniGroups - A group system (NEW)

    jackYodil submitted a new resource: MiniGroups - A group system (NEW) - A simple permissionex addon! Read more about this resource...
  4. jackYodil

    Script Core Stuff - NOW WITH A CUSTOM BOT!

    jackYodil submitted a new resource: Core Stuff - NOW WITH A CUSTOM BOT! - Core Stuff is a simple bunch of commands! Read more about this resource...
  5. jackYodil

    Script MiniGroups - A group system (NEW) 1.3

    Dependencies: PermissionEX Commands: /setgroup (Player) (Group) - Assigns a group to the given player Permission: admin.permissions /grouptab (Group) (Prefix/Suffix) (Args) - Sets a groups tab name permission is the same as above Features: Mini groups features a lot of cool and unique new...
  6. jackYodil

    Script Core Stuff - NOW WITH A CUSTOM BOT! Alpha 2.3

    Core Stuff is a simple bunch of commands! Easy configuration in the skript with the prefixes along with it! It's organised in the skript! Very easy to use! Just a note, This plugin is in it's first release so please do not judge it off of this. /e spawn <mob> - Spawns a mob /e stop -...
  7. jackYodil

    Solved How do I get items in a chest?

    **Skript Version:** Skript 2.2 (dev20c) **Skript Author:** Bensku **Minecraft Version:** 1.8 Code: loop the items in the chest: Please help me get items in a chest
  8. jackYodil

    Script Auto Inventory (Good for prison servers!)

    jackYodil submitted a new resource: Auto Inventory (Good for prison servers!) - This a very simple plugin great for prison. It does not drop items it puts it into your inventory. Read more about this resource...
  9. jackYodil

    Script Auto Inventory (Good for prison servers!) 2.0

    This a very simple plugin great for prison. It does not drop items it puts it into your inventory. Any ore mined will go straight into your inventory including stone! NEW added now when you mine there is a chance of getting money FULLY CONFIGURABLE! (stone produces less money and ores produce...
  10. jackYodil

    Script Perks

    jackYodil submitted a new resource: Perks - A very simple perks plugin! it will help your players out (EULA Compliant) Read more about this resource...
  11. jackYodil

    Script Perks 1.0

    A very simple perks plugin! it will help your players out (EULA Compliant) A simple and easy to use perks plugin! It is very simple to use just open the .sk file and you'll be set! FULLY CUSTOM /perks - Help for the plugin /perks add <player> <perk> - Add a perk to a player /perks remove...
  12. jackYodil

    Script ☯ Essentials A ☯

    jackYodil submitted a new resource: ☯ Essentials A ☯ - A simple remake of essentials! Read more about this resource...
  13. jackYodil

    Script ☯ Essentials A ☯ Alpha 6.0

    A simple remake of essentials! It fits all your needs! What this skript does is, It replaces all of the essentials stuff and makes it more easier! and better. I will be updating this as much as possible. This skript is so easy to use! just open the .sk file and be creative! » Fully...
  14. jackYodil

    Script Mod Mode

    jackYodil submitted a new resource: Mod Mode - Moderator Mode, a simple mod mode for your staff! Read more about this resource...
  15. jackYodil

    Script Signs

    jackYodil submitted a new resource: Signs - A simple plugin to change the lines on your sign! Read more about this resource...