Recent content by IdkWhatNameOk

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  1. I


  2. I

    Console can't execute a world edit command

    Thank you, again, I'll try it out tommorow. Thanks for helping and I'll reply again if it works or not ;D
  3. I

    Console can't execute a world edit command

    I will check if it works, I will search up how to use APIs though. Edit: I'll do that tommorow, I'm tired.
  4. I

    Console can't execute a world edit command

    CODE: every 2 minutes in "world": execute console command "//pos1 139,27,193" execute console command "//pos2 131,31,201" execute console command "//set 90%stone,10%iron_ore" # This is where the problem is! ERROR: Can't understand this condition/effect: execute console command //set...