Recent content by Fox_

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  1. Fox_

    Solved Skript not loading scripts

    Vixio was the issue in my case. But we never used it and it was in our folder. After removing it myself (instead of my junior devs in training) it was all sorted out.
  2. Fox_

    Solved Skript not loading scripts

    It is fixed, It was because of an outdated skript plugin that I didn't knew was in the folder
  3. Fox_

    Tablist Help

    I used set tablist name of arg-1 to "&8| Gamer | &7%player%" In my scripts. (This is just a reference) So for you it can be: command /ss <player>: trigger: if {ssspawn} is set: if executor has permission "staff": if arg-1 is set: if...
  4. Fox_

    Solved Skript not loading scripts

    Script Version (do not put latest): 2.6-beta2 Script Author: ShaneBeee Minecraft Version: 1.17.1 Spigot/Paper Full Code: Errors on Reload: No Errors Console Errors: (if applicable) No Errors Other Useful Info: When starting up the server or reloading the...
  5. Fox_

    Solved Fixed, Spelling Error

    Script Version (do not put latest): 2.5.3 Script Author: Minecraft Version: git-Paper-649 MC: 1.16.5 Full Code: Errors on Reload: Console Errors: (if applicable) Other Useful...
  6. Fox_

    Solved Option Issue Chat

    Hey, I seem to have an problem. In my skript I have options. But they come up in ingame chat as just the {@option}. How can I fix this? I might be just stupid. It is a long time ago I used SK But I hope someone can help me out.