Recent content by BlueMark

  • Welcome to skUnity!

    Welcome to skUnity! This is a forum where members of the Skript community can communicate and interact. Skript Resource Creators can post their Resources for all to see and use.

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  1. B

    Skungee on 2 proxies at the same time?

    Thanks to everyone. @LimeGlass is there a way to detect detect the server that a player is on. Like when i do /find <player> for example it gives me the current server that the <player> is on a syntax like skellett: current bungeecord server of %string% . Thank you again
  2. B

    Skungee on 2 proxies at the same time?

    Hello there, I have a EU proxy that have connected all the servers to with skungee. Is there a way to connect the skungee from the servers to another proxy (US) at the same time? Like Servers connected to EU, US proxy at the same time
  3. B

    Skungee on 2 proxies?

    Hello there, I have a EU proxy that have connected all the servers to with skungee. Is there a way to connect the skungee from the servers to another proxy (US) at the same time? Like Servers connected to EU, US proxy at the same time